Organisation entities

Escuela de Comedia y el Mimo

The School of Comedy and Mime is an innovative project to educate young people of Granada who are in precarious family situations where poverty, drug abuse, physical/sexual abuse, gangs and other criminal activity are an unfortunate part of daily life. Nicaragua is the second poorest country of Latin America.
Through theatre, clowning, mime and circus skills students will discover how to respect themselves and others when taught that they can make a living through this art.

Red guanacasteca

Net of artists and culture promoters of the Guanacaste (Costa Rica) area. It was founded in 2006, with values rooted in the ancestral power of happiness, gathering and solidarity.


The RELAJO (Red Latinoamericana de Juego) was founded in 2006. Its aim is the coordination of groups, organizations, institutions and people, in their search of social, cultural and political practices.



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